20. Juni 2007

Bilder vom G8-Gipfel III

Hier die Bilder vom 4. Juni, dem Migrations-Aktionstag.

Now the pictures from June 4, the action day concerning migration.

A lot of Police in Reddelich at the train station

The sticker at the ticket machine in the train says "We are not Nation, we are Class (which in German also means great)"

"Against State, Pope and Fatherland"

At the newspaper kiosk on Monday:

The most read German newspaper: "Do you want people killed, you slobs?"

Two others: "These idiots destroy everything"and "The shock of Rostock"

"Scenes of civil war in Rostock"

"What now? Was the Police too soft? Are we too tolerant?
How do we protect us tomorrow?"

An initiative of the city of Rostock against racism and violence (not related to the incidents of the 2nd of June) - Colourful instead of brown (like Nazis)

Sticker saying "Our Democracy - They are 8, we 6 billions."

On the left: "Capitalism kills - everywhere, every day"

Sticker on a phone booth: "No connection for Nazis"

"Solidarity with the sans papiers ('paperless')"

People forming a peace sign while being blocked by the Police

Police constraining the movement of the rally for freedom of movement...

The left sign says "Love, luxury, passion"
A part of the long stopped and forbidden (because it had too many participants according to the Police...) rally for freedom of movement

"A possible world is better"

As always: a lot of Police near the harbour

Les refugiés (The refugees) from a German refugee camp

A Canadian Ska band

Rainer von vielen

A sticker at the harbour saying "Nazis? No thanks"

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